Sore point III…

I just found that little kiddie project in less than one minute of web-surfing, but to me it is like a smoking gun of the whole appalling lie. ADL et al, should demand the...


Sore point II…

For example – here’s a program developed by the Reform movement’s youth group (NFTY or TYG or something) program coordinator for use in Reform Temples. Let’s see, you need brown paper bags, yarn, glitter,...


Sore point.

we still see, on a frequent basis, people such as Rabbi Boxman claiming that the �ultra-Orthodox� view non-Orthodox as �goyim� This is one of my pet peeves. I have really good friends who have...


Inward vs. Outward Facing

Jeff’s correspondent raises some interesting points. However, there are different definitions of “leaders in the community,” and I don’t think that those present here, much as they may be thinkers and commentators, are in...


Comment Commentary

The recommendations from Rebecca Blood include owning up to your mistakes, and I should own up to the following: If the software (WordPress) supported having each writer moderate the comments to his or her...

From a reader –

An example of what you are talking in terms of a blog dealing with us vis-a-vis ourselves but not airing personal dirty laundry is frumnet.blogspot.com. I checked it out…definitely worth looking at.


Another good one from the comments file

(In response to my post “The Quality of Ideas“): This blog seems to concentrate on the Orthodox world in relationship to the outside world rather than on the internal dynamics of the Orthodox Jewish...

Comments worth keeping…

One consequence of taking down the comments is that some really valuable past contributions disappeared. I’m going through some of the comments to my posts and re-posting some beauts – (whether I agreed with...

On the Conservative Movement

While I appreciate the many comments I received to my posting on the Conservative movement, there isn�t sufficient time or perhaps even purpose for me to respond further.

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