Category: Jewish World

Hamas Terrorism in 140 Chars

Aiming missiles at my daughter is a symptom of nothing but the desire to murder Jews. #Israel #Hamas #Gaza — Rabbi Yaakov Menken (@ymenken) July 8, 2014

If Only

To re-read Rachel Fraenkel’s words in a New York Times report that appeared mere hours before the discovery that her son Naftali and his two friends, Hashem yinkom damam, had been murdered is to...


Eyal, Gilad, and Naftali in 140 Chars

Sometimes it really can be expressed in a single comment to Twitter — in this case, by Rabbi Steven Burg, Eastern Director of the Wiesenthal Center: The world does not understand that this is...


Please, Leave Me Be

by Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman If you are seeking from me words of comfort and consolation you will not find them. If you are reading this in order for you gain some sort of...

Driving Lesson

The article below appeared earlier this week in Haaretz (under a more incendiary title). Back in the day, before contoured bucket seats became de rigueur in cars, the front seat of family vehicles –...

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