Category: Jewish World


A Footnote on the Matisyahu Debacle

We all know what happened. Matisyahu was invited to the Rototom Sunsplash Reggae Festival. BDS Valencia pulled out the stops to ban the Jew. Rototom demanded that Matisyahu pass an ideological litmus test and...

The Non-Jewish AIPAC

My article on Christians United for Israel, CUFI, is the Ami Magazine cover story this week. We owe a tremendous amount of hakoras haTov to this community for their work supporting the Jewish community...


Rodfei Shalom Attacked… and the Response

“Good will overpower evil, and of course, love will overpower hatred.” — Rav Aryeh Scheinberg “If a line has to be drawn, draw it around Christians and Jews; We are United.” — Pastor John...

Tisha B’Av With Faigy Mayer, o”h

An essay I wrote about Faigy Mayer, o”h,’s death, the haste with which some blamed it on her chassidic community and the importance of addressing mental health in the Orthodox community ran today in...

Spaced Out

“Are we alone?” asked the oversized headline of a full page ad in the New York Times last Tuesday. “Now is the time to find out,” it answered itself. The open letter that followed...


What Azoulay Meant About Reform Jews

by Rabbi Pesach Lerner When Israel’s Minister of Religious Affairs, David Azoulay, recently appeared on Galei Zahal Radio to address Jewish conversion and religious standards in Israel, media and political figures picked up on...

A Worthy, Timely Truth

It’s intriguing – to be truthful, depressing – that as we prepare to focus on our galus and its causes we in the Orthodox world are witnessing acrimony born of true chinom, nothingness. The...

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