Category: Jewish World


Out with the New

Ben Stein had a nice piece in the New York Times last week. He concluded, “It is a myth that money determines who you are, and if you have gotten over that myth by...


Weapons, and Weapons

When one lacks any semblance of moral justification for one’s belligerence and lust to murder innocents, there is only benefit in having as many dead civilians as possible of one’s own to display in lieu of logic.


Praying for the Soldiers

Long-time readers may remember that the same was done during the War in Lebanon. Your prayers are needed! An open letter to Acheinu Benei Yisroel [Our Brethren, the Children of Israel] After learning about...


Yes, it’s anti-Semitism

by Jeff Jacoby, The Boston Globe CRITICIZING ISRAEL doesn’t make you anti-Semitic: If it’s been said once, it’s been said a thousand times. Yet somehow that message doesn’t seem to have reached the hundreds...


After Mumbai

The massacre of nearly 200 civilians by a ten-man terrorist group in Mumbai, India revealed a frightening new world. First of all, the terrorists’ attack was thoroughly planned and efficiently executed, with help from...


The Price of Disunity

Rabbi Zalman Sorotzkin, at the beginning of his commentary Oznaim LeTorah on parashas Vayeishev, explains the juxtaposition between the chronicles of the descendants of Yaakov and the brief enumeration of the tribes of Esav...


Uncle Bernie as Metaphor

Predictably, Bernie Madoff exerts an irresistible pull for columnists of all stripes – this one included. Since the scandal of history’s largest Ponzi scheme broke, he has become an all-purpose metaphor for virtually everything...


All Hands Needed on Deck

One of the glories of the Torah community is its extremely high rate of volunteerism. In Eretz Yisrael, for instance, virtually every major volunteer organization was founded by religious Jews. The emphasis on volunteerism...


Moral Myopia and Journalistic Integrity

As we follow the current “conflict” in the Gaza Strip, it’s easy to discern who cares about the facts, who displays a genuine understanding for the realities of the situation, and who is only...

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