Author: Avi Shafran
“Ethnic Prejudice” Neither Ethnic Nor Prejudice
The essay below, this week’s Am Echad Resources submission, was written for the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, which made it available to its subscribers(under a different title than the one below) and has graciously granted...
Emmanuel Sidebar
The below, by Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Agudath Israel of America’s executive vice president, appears in Hamodia as a sidebar to a larger report on the Emmanuel school situation In 1922, Oregon voters passed...
Agudath Israel Reacts to Rubashkin Sentencing
Reacting to U. S. District Court Judge Linda Reade’s sentencing of former Agriprocessors CEO Sholom Rubashkin to 27 years in prison and five years probation, Agudath Israel of America executive vice president Chaim Dovid...
A Visit, A Memory and A Wish
There are few places on earth where the phrase “Shabbat Shalom” – “Sabbath of Peace,” introduced by the Safed kabbalists in the 15th century and used as a greeting by many Jews today – would fit so well.
Right of Return
It’s always edifying when bigots who have managed to elude full exposure for years suddenly slip and appear in full ingloriousness. Helen Thomas didn’t even need the alcohol that loosened Mel Gibson’s tongue and...
Hate Crime
No responsible journalist outside the Arab world and North Korea would ever dare report an unsupported allegation as fact.
Rapper’s Sabbath
Despite having eclectic tastes in many things, I have no appreciation of urban music. And so I had never heard of Q-Tip (the person, that is; the object is familiar to me). He is...
Celebrating Submission
The Jewish people at Mount Sinai created its eternal bond with the Creator by accepting His gift of gifts to them.
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