Author: Avi Shafran


Deaf To Peace

Decades, even centuries, of hatred do not preclude peace. But neither can peace be built on a foundation of hatred.


Heart and Soul

Electroencephalographs measure electrical activity in the brain but nothing more. Who can possibly know what might be happening in the soul of a living human being?


One Good Deed…

The awe-inspiring is all around us, if we care to look and think, and are not fooled into imagining that natureā€™s fantasticalness is a phantasm, the meaningless yield of random meetings of molecules.

How I Spent My Shavuot

Entering the study-hall, some holy energy seems to seize me, and, even as my mind and body increasingly rebel against the deprivation of slumber, my soul jumps for joy.


Election Result

Jewish chosen-ness, from the Jewish perspective, entails no disparagement of others. It is not a license but a responsibility.


The Art of Growth

There is a great difference between pathology and imperfection, between being hypocritical and being human.

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