Two Rabbis, Three Opinions Episode 13

The latest episode of Two Rabbis, Three Opinions is up and available on Spotify and elsewhere. What’s with one writer’s comparison of charedim to American Indians? Can they claim that they were the indigenous people of modern Jewish settlement of the Land, and therefore should be left alone to continue their traditions without interference from the Yankel-come-latelies, who built a very different society and government? If so, do the Palestinians have a similar claim? Why do charedi writers find it necessary to embed reasoning they know is not true, as the price they must pay to be published? What can readers do when they encounter this phenomenon, other than scratch their heads?

Join Rav Simi Lerner and myself for another session of discussion, frustration, and catharsis!

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1 Response

  1. Nachum says:

    American Indians serve in the US military eagerly and proudly. So do many Israeli Arabs.

    And almost all Israeli charedim descend from people who arrived in Israel after 1948.

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