Rav Gedalia Anemer, zt”l
We must transmit the sad news that Rav Gedalia Anemer, Rav of Young Israel Shomrei Emunah of Silver Spring, MD for over half a century, passed away shortly before 8 AM this morning.
The funeral will be held at Shomrei Emunah at 12 noon.
May we share in good news.
There may be a streaming broadcast of the levaya from Young Israel Shomrai Emunah. One needs to set up a password, log in, and, preferably, RSVP: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/funeral-levaya-of-rabbi-gedaliah-anemer
A true scholar and Ish Chesesd has passed. He taught thousands of students which we are grateful for. He truly left a tremendous legacy for a lifetime.