Why Is This Shiur Different From All Others?

Actually, it probably isn’t. But if you want to listen anyway, my annual Pesach machshavah shiur is now up and running. About an hour and ten minutes of generally deeper material, citing from Torah luminaries like Maharal, R. Samson Raphael Hirsch, Rav Soloveitchik (lots), Sfas Emes, Ha-Medrash v’Ha-Maaseh, and Mike Pence (not kidding). Just click on the link.
Because heretofore you didn’t call it a women’s shiur?
Previously, I hadn’t realized that they were women! I thought that anyone with a face had to be male
Mike Pence – the hero of hilchos Yichud! 🙂
perhaps a good illustration of the Rav ztl’s assertion that halakha is the floor not the ceiling.