Rosh Hashanah Thoughts From the West Coast

For the inspired, the curious, or the just-plain-bored, my Rosh Hashanah machshavah shiur entitled Plan A and Plan B is available for free download. In the old days, I was able to give many shiurim, but my current day job doesn’t allow for it. We do make an exception before yomim tovim, and the Yomim Noraim offering took place earlier today.
It is about an hour long, and includes longer thoughts from R Goldvicht, R Kook, and yibadel lechaim, R Pinchos Friedman. There are also shorter pieces from diverse sources, and one tear-jerker of a story, lifted from R. Lau’s autobiography. The longer thoughts are on the deeper side, and require some background.
It really is very good of you to circulate your shiur, the fruits of which I look forward to enjoying soon. Tizke lemitsvot.
Only thing is that haseor shebaisa is meakev…I get an failed error every time I try to download it!
I see it’s a Dropbox link…Is there a possibility of receiving a new link, perhaps by email?
I apologise merosh for intruding on your time.
Ketiva vachatima tova
[YA – Perhaps try again? I tried the link myself, and had no problem]
Sefer Pele Yoetz, Perek Rosh HaShanah:
Even if a person does not set his heart to fear G_d,
who is fearsome and awesome, on other days, who will not be afraid
on a day like this [Rosh HaShanah, when all people are judged]?
Rabbi Eliezer Papo, Sephardi Tahor, born 1785 died 1826 CE.
>Only thing is that haseor shebaisa is meakev…I get an failed error every time I try to download it!
You have to get a more lenient internet filter that lets the thoughts of R’ Kook through 🙂