We Want Young Writers!

To date, our editorial policy has been pretty straightforward. The bulk of our writing has been kept in house, so to speak. Senior contributors write the majority of what we publish. We’ve granted status as full contributors only to writers with experience who also have some other visibility in the community, either because of other writing they have done, or because of their professional positions. We have given access to guest contributors, but not so easily. We have generally limited such contributions to special issues and to figures who are recognized in the community.
This is about to change. Cross-Currents wants to make a contribution to the future of good Orthodox writing. We want to encourage young people (setting high school as a lower limit and age 30 as the upper one) to try their hand at creatively speaking their minds, and sharing their ideas, insights and frustrations with others. From our own experience, we understand the let-down in working on a piece of writing and then finding no way to get it out. We are therefore going to make Cross-Currents a potential outlet for good writing, and will take it from young people with no prior publication credits to their names.
Submissions have to fit the CC focus: ideas on timely topics, as seen through the eyes of young men and women whose thinking has been shaped by their Torah living and learning. The ideas need to be sharp and crisp, rather than boilerplate; the writing needs to show attention to both grammar and style. All the rules that are stated in our policy on comments will apply to submissions. We will not publish every piece submitted, and regrettably cannot provide explanations of why we are turning down a given piece, just as we regrettably are not able to provide that courtesy to the many readers whose comments are left unpublished. We expect every submission to have already edited by someone other than the writer.
Schools and their English teachers might want to make note of this offer.
Please send submissions to the email address “youngwriters” at our domain. (We don’t spell it out in order to prevent spamming.)
Write “Young Writer Submission” in the subject line.
Is the upper limit of 30 “ad, ve’ad bechlal?”
“. . . and women.” Thank you for including that. It’s refreshing to see that women may indeed have a voice in the community.
I find this prospect very intriguing, but it would be helpful if you could post suggested topics.
Not going to do that. Good writing is born of passion, which is going to have to come from within
What about “middle age”, experienced, and talented WOMEN…..
Caren – start your OWN blog!
Does life, or growth end at thirty?
Got to draw a line somewhere. Nostalgia prevailed. I remembered the saw with which I grew up: “Never trust anyone over thirty.”
Rabbi Adlerstein, would it be possible to have your future comments immediately follow the comments on which they are commenting? I often get confused trying to figure out to whom you are responding.
I thought they were! I’m limited by the way the software behaves.
“Never trust anyone over thirty.”
I grew up with that. And since I just turned 54 (today is the actual day on the Hebrew calendar), I have to admit that my views changed. 😉
I am 30 years old, and contrary to what some commentors here imagine, these threads are followed with interest by the younger generation.