Unjustified: Unchecked Justice, Denied

Please watch… and spread… this video. The US Supreme Court will announce Monday whether they will hear the case of Shalom Rubashkin.
Please watch… and spread… this video. The US Supreme Court will announce Monday whether they will hear the case of Shalom Rubashkin.
Please pray for these unjustly imprisoned Jews:
Alan Gross, who is unjustly imprisoned in Cuba.
Jacob Ostreicher (Yaakov Yehuda ben Shaindel),
a Jew who is unjustly imprisoned in Bolivia.
Sholom Rubashkin (Sholom Mordechai HaLevi ben Rivka),
a Jew unjustly imprisoned in Iowa.
Wendy Weiner Runge (Zeva Rochel bas Chaya)
who is unjustly imprisoned Iowa.