Tagged: Rubashkin

Scandal Upon Scandal

invoking an “Agriprocessors scandal” to justify some need for an extra-governmental “ethical certification seal” is cynical opportunism, a scandal upon a scandal.

Concentric Circles

Precisely the intense empathy we feel and express for our “inner circles” enables us to feel genuine concern for those in more distant ones.


Unwashed Poets and Kashrut

Recently I was privileged to participate in a student-group organized panel presentation at Yeshiva University entitled “The Kosher Quandary: Ethics and Kashrut.” The panel included representatives of the Orthodox Union, the Rabbinical Council of...


The Missing Ethic

A reader asks why I haven’t seen fit to address ethical concerns raised by news reports about a kosher slaughterhouse/meatpacking concern in Postville, Iowa that was the subject of an Immigration and Customs Enforcement...

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