A Game-Changing Yom Kippur Sermon
Remarkable and courageous are the first words that come to mind in describing a recent Yom Kippur sermon at a tony Manhattan Conservative synagogue. The sermon did not dwell on what others have, in...
Remarkable and courageous are the first words that come to mind in describing a recent Yom Kippur sermon at a tony Manhattan Conservative synagogue. The sermon did not dwell on what others have, in...
I used to pass the fellow each morning years ago as I walked up Broadway in lower Manhattan on my way to work. He would stand at the same spot and hold aloft, for...
The famous early 20th century German-born American financier Otto Kahn, it is told, was once walking in New York with his friend, the humorist Marshall P. Wilder. They must have made a strange pair,...
Thoughts of consequence can sometimes arise from the most mundane experiences, even a headache.Opening the medicine cabinet one day, I was struck by a sticker on a prescription container. “Not for use by pregnant...
As Jews the world over listened to Krias HaTorah on Shabbos morning parashas Shoftim, someone at the New York Times was preparing to post a news story quite pertinent to a passuk in the...
Yesterday, various LGBTQ groups marched against Yeshiva University, arguing that the school and its administration need to be more welcoming and open to LGBTQ students and gay concerns and interests. Included in the demands...
There was no reason for the young man to not respond to the Nazi’s question. The soldier and his partner had violently burst into his family’s apartment in the Polish city of Lodz, which...
In the absence of the authority to change the law (Halacha), I have no choice but to choose against (following) it. In a clash between humanity and halakha, opt for humanity, and have enough...
Yishai Ribo’s evocation of the Avodah[1] of Yom Kippur stirs hearts and moves to tears. It has gone viral here in Israel; I’m told that the same is happening in the US. (One of...
Hoisted by its own petard, The New York Times cried foul. Please forgive the clichés, but they’re really most apt. Let’s start with the paper of record’s wail of indignation. It came last week...