Category: Politics


A General Theory of Just About Everything

Now that recluse mathematician Grigory Perelman has proven Poincaire’s Conjecture, only a few longstanding conundrums remain to be solved. To name two: Why do Western societies inevitably tend towards appeasement? Why has anti-Semitism migrated...


National Unity in Palestine

Hamas, realizing that its sponsorship of terrorism and refusal to recognize Israel have placed the Palestinian Authority in desperate straits, will now be forming a “national unity government” with the Fatah party of the...


Israel’s Judicial Oligarchy Continues

Aharon Barak’s hand-picked successor, Dorit Beinisch, has been appointed the next President of Israel’s Supreme Court — to the great surprise of no one. This makes it overwhelmingly likely that the Court will continue...


Redeeming Captives

The question of the hour is, is any price too high for pidyon shevuyim, redeeming captives? With rumors afoot (once again) of a deal for the return of Gilad Shalit, the IDF soldier whose...

Two from The Weekly Standard

Two articles, both published Friday on The Weekly Standard’s web site, approach profoundly different issues with a surfeit of common sense. The first is called “High Profile: What American airport security can learn from...


Elul for All

With the beginning of the Hebrew month of Elul, the Shofar blasts sound at the conclusion of the morning prayers. As described by Maimonides, these blasts arouse us from the slumber and force us...


The Bereavement Map Has Changed

Haaretz says: “As the ultra-Orthodox once were, Tel Avivians are vilified for shirking duty to the nation.” Do Tel Avivians believe, heart and soul, that what they are doing in lieu of military service...


Taking Responsibility For Lebanon – By Whom?

Whether or not Israel actually lost the war, the recent Israel/Lebanon war surely resulted in a less than preferred outcome for the Jewish people. Young Jewish souls were lost. Soldiers remain kidnapped. Property was...


“Hitler Would be Proud”

Eugene Volokh wants to know if the cartoon below is anti-Semitic, or merely anti-Israel as the editors of the Sacramento News & Review say it was intended to be. My take? As Rabbi Adlerstein...

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