Fortunate Fallout?
The fallout of what has most alarmed some about President Trump’s immigration executive order may turn out to be a blessing. There are certainly reasons to question the order, which restricts immigration from seven...
The fallout of what has most alarmed some about President Trump’s immigration executive order may turn out to be a blessing. There are certainly reasons to question the order, which restricts immigration from seven...
Even for someone who, in his day job as Agudath Israel of America’s public affairs director, is regularly sent dubious “news” stories from members of the public, a young man’s recent admission that he...
The immense contributions of immigrants to American life need no elaboration, nor does the importance of immigration to our great nation. The world refugee crisis, moreover, must compel our deep concern for those fleeing...
It was back in 1995 that the 104th Congress passed an act that mandated the move of our country’s embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Yerushalayim. Although the United States as a country...
True or False? 1) The U.S. abstention to the recent U.N. resolution was the first time an American administration declined to veto a Security Council resolution critical of Israel and opposed by her. 2)...
Ms. Power is the public face of a U.S. administration that might as well have been using her own work as handbook for justifying inaction.
“In actuality, there wouldn’t be a Mechitzah (divider) there at all, and I would send all of them to their synagogue. Perhaps I would earmark certain hours for them.”
Why would Obama risk angering his friends and provoking his successor, who could do away with much of his legacy?
We tend sometimes to lose ourselves in the turmoil of our efforts, and we begin to think, in the backs of our minds (or, worse, even in their fronts) that our actions per se directly bring about the results that follow.
There is only one metric by which BDS is a success: inciting anti-Semitic hatred on campus. The presence of “anti-Israel” activity virtually guarantees anti-Semitic incidents.
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