Category: News


Deaf To Peace

Decades, even centuries, of hatred do not preclude peace. But neither can peace be built on a foundation of hatred.


Reflections on the Shabbos Rally

With Baltimore’s Shabbos Rally now a week behind us, I’m a bit overdue on posting about it… but better late than never. I think it is important that this rally/demonstration be discussed far beyond...

How I Spent My Shavuot

Entering the study-hall, some holy energy seems to seize me, and, even as my mind and body increasingly rebel against the deprivation of slumber, my soul jumps for joy.


The World’s Worst Job

The first book my mother bought me to read myself was America and its Presidents. Being a dutiful son, I took the hint and spent my first two decades aspiring to be the first...


Purim Present

In 2003, the first day of Adar brought us an early Purim present. It wasn’t food, but rather food for thought.



It is more than a week after the Israeli elections, and the nature of the next government is still not known. That already suggests that the next prime minister, whether Binyamin Netanyahu (likely) or...

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