Shedding Light on Anti-Semitism
What motivates the would-be Chanukah-diminishers, I suspect, is their discomfort with Chanukah’s elemental message.
What motivates the would-be Chanukah-diminishers, I suspect, is their discomfort with Chanukah’s elemental message.
Our Jewish danger-sensors must be turned on always, but our Jewish brains no less.
Merely “brain-dead” human beings, in the judgment of major halachic decisors, are still alive.
This headline is taken from the JTA, discussing the latest research paper from the Avi Chai Foundation: Jewish leaders younger than 40 aren’t as bent out of shape about intermarriage as their older colleagues....
Yediot Achronot declares, “The Education Ministry’s chief scientist, Dr. Gavriel Avital, was dismissed on Monday following a scandal-filled trial period of less than a year.” What was the great scandal? Did he embezzle money,...
The Williams debacle was only a particularly clear manifestation of one of the biases that buzz incessantly in the air of NPR’s studios.
Over 45 years ago, Don Ritchie and his wife Moya purchased a house overlooking the Gap, the cliffs at Sydney Harbour. The Gap offers amazing views, and a tragic history – every year, about...
The regularity with which we are granted new life each day dulls us, regrettably, to the indescribable import of the fact.
Another confrontation is brewing, as Israel’s Education Minister intends to reduce funding to schools which do not teach a “core curriculum” — including Charedi schools, despite recent tests in which Charedi students demonstrated superior...
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