Category: Judaism


Why Seminary Still Makes Sense

In a recent piece on, Rabbi Yitschak Rudomin discusses “Sending Girls to Seminaries and the Shidduch Crisis” and asks: “who are the American boys supposed to marry at 21 if all the good American...

Handling Success With Care

Back in 1941 (no, I don’t remember it personally, but it’s documented), there was an American Jewish establishment group called the “Joint Boycott Council.” It objected vehemently to Agudath Israel of America’s policy of...


Rome Travelogue2

The Roman Jewish community dates back over 2100 years, which means that it is neither Ashkenazic nor Sephardic, since it predates most of that split. Even before a papal bull herded Jews into a...


Rome Travelogue

They told me that Rome would be Jewishly disappointing. Friends who had been there said that Florence was the Jewish destination. Rome’s charm was all in old churches, which hardly touch Jewish heartstrings. So...

Voting Advice

Few things outrage people as greatly as the suggestion that their vote doesn’t really make a difference. “Your vote counts!” is, after all, the essence of Civics 101. And yet it is the most...

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