Category: Judaism


“Hitler Would be Proud”

Eugene Volokh wants to know if the cartoon below is anti-Semitic, or merely anti-Israel as the editors of the Sacramento News & Review say it was intended to be. My take? As Rabbi Adlerstein...


The New Anti-Semitism

Israel’s wars tend to bring anti-Semites out into the open, and the current one is no exception. What is interesting, however, is the degree to which anti-Semitism has migrated from its traditional haunts on...


Two Emissaries from Israel

Two visitors from Israel, both representing organizations not mentioned by Jonathan Rosenblum, knocked on my door last night. This is not because Rabbi Rosenblum neglected these organizations or did lousy research, but because the...


Chief Rabbis urge Secular to Fast

In the Jerusalem Post: The chief rabbis of Israel called this week on secular Jews to join their religious brethren in fasting on Tisha Be’av as a way of showing solidarity and unity at...


Mel Gibson’s Toughest Role

Mel Gibson’s powerful and on-target apology to the Jewish community for his anti-Semitic tirade was infinitely better than his weak and unsatisfying first statement. It would be a mistake for the Jewish community to...


It’s No Time For Vacation

The Jerusalem Post has summarized the intent of the declarations from leading Torah Sages in Israel posted by Rabbi Rosenblum: Haredim cancel vacations due to war. Thanks to ak for the tip. As one...


Gedolei Yisrael on Bein Hazmanim

A Call to Bnei Hayeshivos from Rav Y. S. Elyashiv, Rav A. L. Steinman and Rav M. Y. Lefkowitz We currently find ourselves in a time of communal suffering, when Klal Yisrael is threatened...


Overcoming the Separation

A resident of Haifa sent out a plea for forgiveness last week. He has been forced to close his business because of the katyushas falling on Haifa, and he and his family now find...

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