Category: Jewish Media

Merits, Not Munitions

The reporter’s question: “Should the chareidim serve in [Israel’s] military, or at least serve in some other capacity such as recognized public service commensurate with military service?” The query was posed to me in...

Denominational Déjà Vu

In 2001, I predicted that the Conservative movement would soon enough “halachically” approve what halacha forbids in no uncertain terms. [It did so 5 years later.] I perceive precisely the same Conservative approach to halacha in what bills itself today as “Open Orthodoxy.”


Open Orthodoxy: An Amicable Divorce?

Integrity demands that “Open Orthodoxy” discard the “Orthodox” moniker. There are early signs that — thanks to the Agudah, RCA, CER and others — this may, at last, be taking place.

Rav Aharon Feldman on Open Orthodoxy

The positions Open Orthodox leaders have espoused put them unmistakably beyond the pale of Torah Judaism, no different than the Reform or Conservative movements. Open Orthodoxy is leading the Jewish people away from the Torah.


The Symptoms are Not the Problem

The statement regarding Open Orthodoxy by the Council of Torah Sages of Agudath Israel is not about women rabbis, politics, or excluding Jews from the Jewish community. It is about integral components of traditional Jewish belief, and truth in advertising.

Where “Objective” is Defective

I’m not among those who grow apoplectic at the New York Times’ reportage from Israel. There are, to be sure, occasions when, in misguided attempts to achieve what passes these days for “evenhandedness,” the...

Two-Way Traffic on the Haredi Highway

Have you ever wondered why, in light of the slew of “I survived Orthodoxy but saw the secular light!” essays and books, there no counter-flood of similar writing by some of the many who...

Opinions Gone Wild

I’m greatly pained by much of the reaction in the Orthodox community to what has come to be called the Iran Deal. To be sure, there are elements of the agreement that are less...

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