Category: Israel

Religious Pluralism Would Spell Disaster for Israel

An article of mine in the Forward that takes issue with Reform Rabbi Rick Jacobs’ claim that the majority of American Jews support the import of “Jewish religious pluralism” to Israel, and which explains why Orthodox...

In a Sane World…

Have you heard about the white family in Chicago that routinely vilifies the members of the black one across the street, calling them vile names, demanding that they move and hurling rocks through their...

CNN’s New Low

One needn’t be a Trumpaholic to know that certain media have a way of “reporting” that undermines truths. Take a recent CNN headline: “Christian man prays with Jerusalem Muslims as religious tensions flare.” The...

Not in Our Name

What are we, chopped liver? The question, from my Orthodox corner of the American Jewish world, is born of the recent onslaught of outrage aimed at the Israeli government by representatives of “American Jewry.”…...

Agudath Israel Reaction to Kotel Plan Freeze

Agudath Israel of America released the following statement today: The Israeli Cabinet’s decision to not upend the status quo of normative, traditional Jewish religious worship at the Kotel Maaravi, or Western Wall, is a...

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