Category: Israel


Terrified of Judicial Reform

Boxing may be dead but those who still savor the sight of heavyweights throwing roundhouse punches at a fast and furious pace could do worse than the current donnybroook between Justice Minister Daniel Friedmann...


Why the Chametz Law Matters

This time Tzippi Livni got it exactly right. “Davka because I am not a religious person, I want to preserve something in Tel Aviv that symbolizes the Chag; something in the public square that...


Only One Lifeboat

What better time to contemplate the state of the Jewish people today than on the eve of our birth as a nation on Pesach? (I shall confine myself to the state of the Jewish...


Right Problem, Wrong Solution

In a guest column in the Jerusalem Post, Rabbi Murray Singerman argues that “We Jews are too dedicated to defending theological turf.” He suggests that the divisions within Judaism are a major cause of...


The Power of Temptation

The news these days is not at all new. It centers on man’s eternal struggle with temptation, and his occasional spectacular failings – as exemplified by ex-Gov. Eliot Spitzer of New York. The Talmudic...



According to a report in the Jerusalem Post, Israeli teens are turning to alcohol because their lives are empty. A national program to get teenagers interested in productive ways to spend their time is...


Talk to the Snakes

In a 1938 essay, Mohandas (“Mahatma”) Gandhi, the spiritual and political leader of the Indian independence movement, counseled Jews in Nazi Germany to neither flee nor resist but rather offer themselves up to be...


No Free Speech at the UN

Apparently this was the first time the Council president, Ambassador Luis Alfonso de Alba of Mexico, ever rejected a speech as “inadmissible.” So after you watch, you can have a look at the various...


It’s About Standards

Admittedly, I was as surprised as anyone to see “Gentile Lubavitcher refused conversion” in the Jerusalem Post. While it may be true that the belief that a deceased individual is the Messiah is foreign...

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