Fighting Fire With Water
Our Jewish danger-sensors must be turned on always, but our Jewish brains no less.
Our Jewish danger-sensors must be turned on always, but our Jewish brains no less.
To name the Muslim country where she lives would compromise her security; the authorities there do not look favorably on citizens who communicate with Jews. Her husband is a Hindu and she, although born...
A first-person account, from the always-excellent IMRA News Service: Emek Hospital saves a Palestinian boy from Jenin On Thursday, June 3, 2010, 15 year old Muhammed Kalalwe … noticed a deadly viper snake and...
Especially for those familiar with “We are the World,” this is a must-watch video. This video was taken down by YouTube for a “Copyright Violation” after some 3 million views. Thanks to Ori for...
Despite having eclectic tastes in many things, I have no appreciation of urban music. And so I had never heard of Q-Tip (the person, that is; the object is familiar to me). He is...
From the Daily Telegraph: Dale McAlpine was charged with causing “harassment, alarm or distress” after a homosexual police community support officer (PCSO) overheard him reciting a number of “sins” referred to in the Bible,...
This week, the New York Times’ token center-right columnist, Ross Douthat, had an important piece on the contradictory notions of censorship in contemporary society. Reading it through Jewish lenses, though, one can see its...
What do you tell a gathering of clerics, when they give you about a minute, and others can be expected to offer some PC drivel? Speaking at the World Summit Of Religious Leaders Forum...
To a believing Jew, every other Jew, no matter how ignorant or personally unobservant, is a relative – a member of Klal Yisrael, the Jewish Family.
I am not able to worship a G-d Whose ways are all crystal clear to me – attributed to the Kotzker Rebbe (1787-1859) The ways of G-d are hidden and mysterious; they have never...
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