The Mail We Get
Is there a point when the flood of letters we receive from Roshei Yeshiva and notable Rabbis seeking our support for needy families, mainly in Israel, becomes a serious communal problem? We need to...
Is there a point when the flood of letters we receive from Roshei Yeshiva and notable Rabbis seeking our support for needy families, mainly in Israel, becomes a serious communal problem? We need to...
News of Arafat�s death a few weeks ago was met with�confusion. No one shed any tears, but people were unsure as to whether Jews ever celebrate the death of anyone.
The New York Times has been known incorrectly as a Jewish newspaper for over a century. Even when its publishers were Jewish — and the present-day Sulzberger is a practicing Christian, son of a...
If celebrity endorsements count for anything, Chanuka is in good shape this year. After decades of listening to non-Orthodox rabbis voice their doubts about the miracle of the oil (after all, why should it...
A colleague at Loyola Law School, who happens to be the President of the Board of the Southern California ACLU, was surprised when I told him that Jewish Law had Blackstone beat by hundreds...
Last night, someone shared with me a recent episode of Law & Order. I don’t think this episode would have aired while Stephen Hill, one of the entertainment world’s more famous baalei teshuva, was...
A few weeks ago, a colleague (Rabbi Yitz Etshalom) and I agreed to appear on a radio program called Focus on the Mideast. The station is ultra-leftist (Marxist would be more accurate); the host...
I just stumbled across Uri Zohar’s new web site. Uri Zohar was an Israeli movie star, both as an actor and director, before he became religious. He’s now on a campaign to save children...
This is the new beginning… a blog that will deliver to the Jewish world the same level of insightful, intelligent, and fun commentary that the best political blogs have brought. In other words,
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