Category: General


Abe Foxman Rides Again

Abe Foxman is at it again. The publicity-seeking head of the Anti-Defamation League recently wrote to Israel�s Chief Rabbis urging them to condemn the phenomenon of yeshiva students in Jerusalem�s Old City attacking Christians....


Vatican attacks Israel

NOTE: This was a mistranslation, as our blog helped publish. L’Osservatore Romano condemed the fighting Sri Lankans for not setting aside their differences to welcome Israeli help. One remarkable by-product of the horrendous disaster...


The Quality of Ideas

Greg (see Yaakov’s previous post) says: “Overall, this means a net increase in the quality of ideas and dialogue available, but I wonder how long before the censorship and stigmatization common to the traditional,...


Scary Thoughts

Greg, of the Presence blog, found us last week: Via Hirhurim comes Cross-Currents, a new blog featuring some heavyweight Orthodox Jews, in both the rabbinic and political spheres. Things are starting to get interesting....



I hated his piece on hate…but I love his piece on love…absoutely terrific stuff from Meir Soloveichik. (I agree with the general principle that hate plays a vital role, but I thought the hate...

‘Tis The Season (Part 1 1/2)

I couldn’t resist. My heart just bursts with gratitude. And to think I ever said anything mean about PCUSA head Clifton Kirkpatrick. His letter to President Bush must have been his Christmas gift to...


Hey, R. Yitz, I agree that the “mainstream” churches you mention are a problem. When, on earth, have I ever suggested otherwise? Your charge – that I am oblivious to them simply because I...


‘Tis The Season (Part One)

While some of my colleagues on this blog (Yaakov Menken and Jeff Ballabon in particular) continue to hammer away at their keyboards in high dudgeon, they are oblivious to the real devils lurking out...

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