Author: Yitzchok Adlerstein


Elul Preparations: Round Two

Shortly before Rosh Chodesh, I solicited reader feedback on seforim that helped people prepare in Elul for the approaching Yemei ha-Din. The results have made this perhaps the finest hour for Cross-Currents. The suggestions...


Kids of Courage: Beyond Miracles

Kids of Courage (KOC), the chesed organization that provides year-round programming for children, teens and young adults with serious and chronic medical challenges, accepted its most daunting challenge with its San Francisco trip in...


Help Needed

A friend and colleage has just been the victim of identity theft. I would appreciate any leads on how to address his problem – not just because he is my friend, but because this...


The East Coast Earthquake

Yehuda Levin, always humbly available to speak for G-d whether or not he has been asked, has determined the cause of the East Coast earthquake. Readers of the Huffington Post now have direct access...


The Face of Apartheid Israel

This picture says so much about those racist Israelis. It proves that Israel is an apartheid state. Immanuel had been entombed in a concrete coffin for nine days. A victim of the Haiti earthquake,...


Yadeinu Shafchu Es Hadam Hazeh

After the horror, the disbelief, the shock, the emptiness, I next thought what many others must have. He had to have been a pedophile. I messaged a colleague, a respected rov, and asked what...


Want to Be Ugly? Buy LUSH

By now, everyone has heard the one about the two guys sitting next to each other on a Tel Aviv bus. The guy looking at Haaretz can’t believe that the fellow sitting next to...

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