Author: Yitzchok Adlerstein


Testing Anti-Charedi Sentiment

What happens when two very secular Israeli journalists don charedi garb, and show up in chiloni redoubts? Not very much, and it proves even less. The television journalists decide to test the contention that...


It’s a Strange World

In more ways than one. I somehow missed this item in November when the story was first reported in the press, only to receive it today from a Muslim source. Jews and Muslims here...


Of Fault Lines and Forgery

Many people, myself included, believe that the fallout from Beit Shemesh and Kikar Shabbos will have a longer half-life than others suppose. One item to keep an eye on is the fault line that...


Quiet Gadlus

When R Aaron Lopiansky shared a moving story with his fellow advisory board members at Klal Perspectives (unvarnished plug!), I asked him for permission to publish on Cross-Currents. I am happy that he granted...


Another Point of View

Call it nepotism, if you wish. I am partial to my very extended family, which includes the people who frequented our Shabbos table for years. Even though he takes issue with some of what...


Two Ways To Help

Here are two ways in which people are addressing the horrible images of recent events that we are still haunted by. One is an opportunity to speak out; the other deals with one of...


Hi, Yankel

Just when I thought I was going to have to spend time taking issue with what others have written on these pages, Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman, Rav of Cong. Ahavas Israel in Passaic NJ...

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