Author: Yitzchok Adlerstein
There is no contradiction. Anyone who finds one has targeted a straw man. I have had the benefit of association with three generations of Kamenetskys. They have never, ever let me down when I...
Yielding to the many who have asked for my take on the now-infamous Shabbos app, here is the quick and dirty version: It does not do what its developers say it does – “The...
My annual Yom Kippur shiur is available for download. It was given earlier today to a gathering of women in Los Angeles, and comes in three sections, for reasons explained, within the shuir. The...
Life is full of exceptions. So while I generally am uneasy about cross-posting (no pun intended), sometimes a piece is so important that you want a portion of the mitzvah of spreading it around....
Ask six frum Jews (of various genders) what they recommend as Elul reading, and you should get about 57 opinions, right? Jewish Action tried this, and the results are published in the Fall issue....
Visiting Israel always yields delights and surprises. Sometimes they come instantly; sometimes they take reflection. Usually, in my experience, they involve taxi drivers. On my recent trip, I found new understanding of the tochachoh...
This article in the New York Times is not to be missed. Steve Jobs didn’t let his kids have iPads. The money quote from Chris Anderson, former editor of Wired regarding his five children,...
Many, many people were touched by the palpable sense of achdus during the 18 days in which we davened for the three abducted teens, and during the weeks of war that followed. I know...
We’ve stayed out of it, because we had nothing particularly insightful to add. Rabbi Yakov Horowitz, who has been a fearless crusader against abuse in general, does have some special insight, and has been...
As the demographic ground beneath the feet of American Jews continues to shift, old denominational definitions and self-understandings change as well. Dr. Baruch Brody offers a fresh approach to demarcating Modern Orthodoxy’s territory in...
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