Author: Special to Cross-Currents


Yes, it’s anti-Semitism

by Jeff Jacoby, The Boston Globe CRITICIZING ISRAEL doesn’t make you anti-Semitic: If it’s been said once, it’s been said a thousand times. Yet somehow that message doesn’t seem to have reached the hundreds...


The Time is Now

by Rabbi Pesach Lerner For me, the story began about 17 years ago. I sincerely hope and pray that it ends soon. I joined the National Council of Young Israel’s (NCYI) professional staff in...


The Bush I Know

(By Noam Neusner, who was a speechwriter and Jewish liaison for President Bush from 2002-2005.) President Bush and First Lady Laura Bush will watch Monday night as the grandsons of Harry Truman and David...


Times of Opportunity

[Rabbi Ilan Feldman is the rav of Cong. Beth Jacob in Atlanta, and a member of the Board of AJOP] The challenges of battle come at combatants fast and furiously, and can never be...


Are We Jewish Rednecks?

By Rabbi Reuven Tradburks [R. Tradburks is the rav of Kehillat Shaarei Torah in Toronto, the President of the Toronto Vaad Harabonim and former Director of its Beis Din, and a former Board member...


Loving the Stranger (within)

by Dr. William Kolbrener What I’m getting from the first ripples I’m making in the blogosphere is that there really is no such thing as ‘openminded’ Torah. Yaakov (who is a colleague of mine)...

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