Author: Avrohom Gordimer


The Rav Lives – A Reply to Dr. William Kolbrener

Dr. William Kolbrener’s Lehrhaus essay Killing Off the Rav (So He May Live) employs attention-grabbing, sensationalist metaphor to argue that third-party depictions of Rav Yosef Ber Soloveitchik zt”l must be ignored in order for contemporary Jews...


Trying to Unravel the Legacy of the Rav

The legacy of Rav Yosef B. Soloveitchik zt”l of RIETS has been an enigma for many. Those in Orthodoxy who rejected Rav Soloveitchik half a century ago were extremely wary and disapproving of his then novel...


Ba’alos Mesorah

In Putting Our Money Where Our Mouths Are, Dr. Rivka Press Schwartz poses an acute challenge to Orthodox communities. The discussion below is not intended to refute Dr. Schwartz, but rather to respond to...


Paskening Like the Blogs

A few people commented to me that it seems like the ruling by the OU Rabbinic Panel that women can’t be ordained or appointed as clergy is getting a real beating, as “everyone is...

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