Let’s Not Cry Anti-Semitism
The trail of anti-Semitism is long and bloody; irrational hatred towards the Jewish people permeated Europe, Asia and North Africa back through ancient times. Nonetheless, one should not be overly hasty to fall back upon ancient biases in the modern era.
It does not make sense to resort to charges of anti-Semitism in response to positions and activities against the Jewish state, when there are other reasonable explanations that justify the same positions. Supporters of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS), and the recent Flotilla trying to break the naval blockade of Gaza, assert that they are motivated by humanitarian concerns for the residents of the Gaza Strip, rather than animus towards Jews or Israel. These motivations include:
- The needs of the Gaza population. The lead ship of the flotilla, the Marianne of Gothenberg, carried solar panels and medical equipment as demonstrations of this concern.*
- The blockade’s violation of the human rights of Gaza residents, and violation of international law
- The deprivation of “security of food supplies, medical care, education, drinkable water and cultural exchange” (from the website shiptogaza.se).
- And more fundamentally, the rights of an indigenous population to a homeland – meaning that Israel must end its occupation.
The question we must ask is simple: are these neutral humanitarian concerns, or excuses with which to mask discrimination? The difference is found in how these arguments are employed in other situations: one who applies humanitarian principles across the board is genuine, but one who encourages global condemnation of a single group or country — while ignoring equal or greater violations by an opposing or third party — might more accurately be called a bigot. And there’s the problem.
It is true that the Gaza Strip’s sole power plant is producing limited power at this time – due to the Palestinian Authority’s refusal to provide more fuel until Hamas, the organization governing the Gaza Strip, pays its past due balance. Israel, by contrast, continued to provide electrical power to Gaza even during last year’s war, though Hamas owed Israel over $60 million for previously-supplied power at that time.
Israeli electrical service to Gaza was only interrupted when an errant Hamas rocket hit the power line. Employees of the Israel Electric Company then worked in bulletproof vests and helmets in order to restore power to 70,000 residents of Gaza just days later.
And despite accusations that Israel “destroyed” the Gazan power plant during the war, that plant resumed operation within two months of the war’s end. So a neutral concern for Gazan residents would direct opprobrium primarily against the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, those responsible for cutting the power. BDS activists, however, protest against Israel.
As for medical equipment and care, we must wonder why the Flotilla bypassed Morocco, Algeria, and most notably Egypt, countries along its path where the life expectancy at birth is significantly lower than it is in the Gaza Strip. Yes, despite what you’ve heard about “genocide” in Gaza (a smear designed to stir up grotesque comparisons to the Nazi Holocaust), a baby born in Gaza can expect to live nearly three years longer than one born in Egypt — due in large part to access by Gazans to treatment in Israel (where the life expectancy of both Jewish and Arab citizens is still higher).
A neutral concern for human rights and international law would also have motivated the flotilla to dock in Algeria, where Freedom House upgraded the state of press freedom to “Partly Free” only last year, or Libya, where attempts at freedom of expression could be greeted with the death penalty — as could the announcement of an LGBT relationship (in Algeria, one would only get a few years’ imprisonment and a large fine for that). Yet the “freedom flotilla” sailed straight for Gaza — and not because hundreds of homosexual Palestinians have fled to Israel to avoid discrimination, harassment or death.
A naval blockade during hostilities is a conventional defense tactic, and Israel claims the Gaza blockade will end as soon as Hamas ceases its efforts to import weapons with which to kill Israelis. This argument is buttressed by the interception of a shipment of advanced Syrian rockets, paid for by Iran and intended for Hamas use, just prior to the outbreak of last year’s war. But under European Union law, Spain has no similar justification for its summary deportations of refugees who jump the fence from Morocco to the Spanish enclave of Melilla. Yet the Flotilla did not stop there to protest this undisputed violation of international law, nor suggest that Hamas cease attempting to import weapons as a method with which to end the blockade.
Discussion of the “security of food supplies” is also a troubling subject for BDS supporters to raise, as Israel continues to facilitate entry of 800 truckloads of food and humanitarian supplies into Gaza every day. These imports halted only briefly during the 2014 Gaza War, when Hamas deliberately fired rockets at the border crossing. Egypt, on the other hand, has closed its border with Gaza completely, and is razing an entire city — the Egyptian side of Rafah — to prevent terror attacks against its soldiers. Yet again, the Flotilla accuses neither Hamas nor Egypt of indifference to Gaza — only Israel, the only one of the three that has acted reliably and consistently to ensure the security of food supplies.
As for cultural exchange, it’s interesting to note that neither the Palestinian Authority nor Hamas will tolerate the presence of an Israeli Jew in any territory under their control, whereas, by contrast, Arab citizens of Israel enjoy greater freedoms than Arab citizens of any Arab country — including mixed Jewish-Arab schools, Arab professors and students in Israel’s top universities, Arab Knesset members, and even a leading contestant on MasterChef Israel. A Palestinian in Lebanon is barred from at least 25 professions, including law, medicine and engineering, but BDS does nothing to protest open discrimination against Palestinians by other Arabs.
And when it comes to self-determination, the flotilla sailed past Morocco, which continues its occupation of the Western Sahara and control of the indigenous Sahrawi people. Palestinian Arabs comprise the majority of the citizenry of Jordan — itself eighty percent of the old British Mandate for Palestine. Yet, once again, the flotilla does nothing for the independence and self-determination of millions of ethnic Palestinians languishing under the Hashemite clan (originally of Saudi Arabia).
So yes, let’s not be so fast to say that BDS and the recent flotilla are nothing more than a recent manifestation of age-old anti-Semitism, reminiscent of the Nazi Boycott of the 1930s and false incitement against Jews throughout the Middle Ages. Let’s offer the proponents of BDS the opportunity to provide new and more reasonable justifications for their positions and actions that are neutral, humanitarian, and have nothing to do with bias against Jews.
Because the ones provided thus far have done precious little to prevent us from slipping inexorably towards that ugly conclusion.
* As the Washington Post determined, the “aid” comprised a flat package able to hold a small solar panel, and a single nebulizer.
If everything the BDSers do and say is consistent with antisemitism, that’s pretty good circumstantial evidence. For certain Christian denominations, backing BDS is a convenient, low-risk way to give new life to old prejudices they had never really shed.
In year 2012 CE, the U.S. State Department’s Trafficking in Persons Report revealed 17 countries that still practice or tolerate slavery:
Algeria, Libya, Syria, Sudan, Kuwait, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Papua New Guinea, Yemen, Madagascar, Eritrea, Zimbabwe, DR Congo, Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea, and Cuba.
Notice that NONE of these 17 countries suffers the wrath of the BDS movement, no matter how guilty they are of practicing slavery.
Also notice that most of these countries are MUSLIM, which means that the Far-Left-dominated news media will NEVER give them the criticism they deserve, because the Far-Leftists are the loyal allies of the Muslims.
Last but not least, the Far-Left-dominated BDS movement will NEVER target these counties with boycotts, because the Far-Leftists are the loyal allies of the Muslims.
According to the year 2014 CE Freedom in the World Report, the ten most oppressive countries in the world are: Central African Republic, Somalia, Equatorial Guinea, Sudan, Eritrea, Syria, North Korea, Turkmenistan, Saudi Arabia, and Uzbekistan.
Notice that NONE of these ten countries suffers the wrath of the BDS movement, no matter how much they oppress their own citizens.
Since year 1950 CE, China has occupied the land of Tibet and murdered around one million Tibetans. Does China suffer the wrath of the BDS movement? NO!
Russia invaded Georgia in year 2008 CE. Russia invaded Ukraine in year 2014 CE. Is Russian boycotted by the BDS movement? NO! And it never will be.
The proponents and supporters of BDS have consistently engaged in rhetoric that can only be described as a souped up version of the world’s oldest social disorder-anti Semitism.
PAT CONDELL SAID: The relentless focus solely on Israel that ignores the world’s real human rights violators tells us that this [BDS] is an anti-Semitic movement, and if you’re are part of it, then you’re are part of that too.
If Israel was a Christian or a Buddhist country, there would not be any BDS campaign, and everyone knows it, just as there isn’t any BDS for Tibet, a country invaded and culturally-raped by the Chinese, but then, the Chinese aren’t Jews.
No BDS for the Saudi Arabia for treating women like livestock, because the Saudis aren’t Jews, which is lucky for them, because if they were, they would have to ban themselves from entering their own country. How inconvenient!”
SOURCE: Why I support Israel by Pat Condell http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHC8KC5cLs8
Pat Condell is an atheist, who was born in Ireland around 1950 CE, and raised in England as a Roman Catholic, and educated in Church of England schools.
It is high time that we be honest and forthright in pointing out the TRUTH……most anti-Israel and pro-BDS activism is motivated purely by antisemitism, both non-Jewish and Jewish antisemitism.
This is clearly proven by the hypocrisy of those who advocate by their complete indifference to human rights anywhere. I will give an example of a discussion I had with a radical anti-Israel ex-rabbi from Chicago (there seems to be something about that town!) who is very active in anti-Israel and pro-BDS activities.
I asked him why he doesn’t promote boycotts of any other country, even those they he would be forced to admit have much worse human-rights records than the (false) problems he claims Israel has. His reply was that he favors boycotting Israel because “the Palestinians” asked him to. So I then specified Syria and the Assad regime….I inquired about what he is doing to promote human-rights there and demand that the war crimes Assad has committed be punished. His answer was ” the ‘Syrians’ haven’t asked me to….if they would I will be the first to support boycotting the Assad regime. however. I wouldn’t presume to tell them what to do”.
My question is “who are the ‘Syrians'” he is supposed to consult with? For that matter, who are the “Palestinians” he claimed want him to boycott Israel? Omar Barghouti’s BDS group? Who says he speaks for the “Palestinians”? He holds no official position. As far as I can tell the official Palestinian Authority hasn’t come out in full-throated support of BDS.
What we see here is clearly, and plainly that this ex-rabbi despises Israel and is completely indifferent to REAL human rights abuses elsewhere in the world. He uses the “The Syrians didn’t ask me and I wouldn’t presume to tell them what to do” as mere excuses to wriggle out of his blatant hypocrisy.
The struggle against BDS must be carried out by highlighting this antisemitic hypocrisy.
Andrew Klavan vs. Anti-Israel BDS (part 1 of 2):
“Of course, the BDS movement does not really want to kill all the Jews; they just want boycotts, divestment and sanctions against the State of Israel, until the nation is so weak, it can be overrun by its enemies, so THEY can kill all the Jews!
So it is not like BDS-ers are Nazis or anything; they are more like the Nazi’s cute little sidekicks; like Hitler and the Seven Dwarves.”
Andrew Klavan vs. Anti-Israel BDS (part 2 of 2):
“The key point is just because BDS-ers are trying to destroy the Jewish state alone out of all the nations; just because they are holding Israel to a higher standard than other countries in the region; just because they are targeting the ONE land in the Middle East land where people are free and differences are tolerated; that does not mean they are anti-Semitic; they are probably great people, who just hate Jews.”