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5 Responses

  1. lacosta says:

    RYA is a great asset that LA is proud to be the home team…

    RYA , can you please link to your important interview at BAYT w rabbi korobkin , in which you delineate what ‘normal’ haredism essentially looks like….

    [YA – Flattery won’t get you anywhere – but it will get you the requested link…]

  2. Surie Ackerman says:

    Can we get it in mp3 format?

    [YA To the best of my knowledge, I recorded it in mp3 format! That ought to be what you download from Dropbox!]

  3. SA says:

    Nope, it downloaded as a .wav file. I can listen to it, but only on my computer.

    And yes, that interview with Rabbi Korobkin was definitely worth watching.

    [YA – You are correct. I’ve added a link to an mp3 format download. Thanks to you (and others) for pointing out the problem.]

  4. Bruce says:

    I always enjoy your pre-Pesach shiurim. It is often hard for me to find new thoughts for my seder table that are (1) general enough to be of interest to a variety of guests, (2) narrow enough to actually say something important, and (3) new. Your shiurim always contain several of these. Todah.

  5. Surie Ackerman says:

    Many thanks. Very much enhanced last night’s cooking marathon.

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