I Am A Doctor

By Sharon Rais-Tessler

[Editor’s Note: OK, I have a weakness for creative writing]

I am a doctor
I am not G-d
I know I’m not
But I was taught
That man is G-d
What I decide
What I do
What I did
Is always right
Because I am G-d
I know I’m not
I am a lowly messenger
Shelechus is all I do
A sheleach is all I am
G-d’s will flows
Through my head
Through my heart
Through my hand
Each day I rise
And pray
That today
My shelechus will be right
I will be a sheleach
For only good
Only good decisions
Will I think
Only compassion
Will I feel
Only with steadiness
Will I perform
I am not G-d
I know I’m not
All I know
All I need to know
Hashem is with me

Dr. Sharon Rais-Tessler is a mother, grandmother, and OB/GYN in Brooklyn

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1 Response

  1. Noam Stadlan says:

    I too am a doctor
    my school did not teach
    that man is God.
    What I decide
    What I do
    has to be
    my very best
    because that is
    what God wants of me.
    God might intervene,
    God may not intervene,
    God may intervene
    in ways that look natural
    or in ways that appear miraculous
    but I must be
    as close to perfect
    as I can
    because we
    may pray for miracles, but
    do not depend on miracles.

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