Sean Rayment is Addicted to Bigotry
The reason I call your attention to this article is not so that you can have a look at an anti-Semitic diatribe in the guise of a serious position about the current state of affairs.
It is so that you can see the comments.
Britain is not known to have nearly such a strong understanding of Israel’s need to defend itself. These comments are, in that context, surprisingly heartening.
Why are you dignifying this drivel by publicizing it? Instead of castigating Hamas for their irresponsible behavior,he gives them a tepid slap on the wrist! Sorry Hamas if you give then you get back!
From mid-June 2007 to mid-February 2008, 771 rockets and 857 mortar bombs have been fired at Sderot , an average of three or four each a day.
I suggest Mr Rayment takes his family there for a week and see how terrifying Hamas’s addiction to peace can be?
Aron Feldman, Rabbi Yaakov Menken didn’t put up the link to show the article, but the comments following it. It seems that people in the UK are starting to realize that Israel does need to use violence to protect itself.
I wouldn’t be too optimistic that there’s a sudden outpouring of support for Israel.
I would imagine that many Israel supporters have simply found this article via blogs like this one.
lest one think that anti-zionism is a UK or gentile issue inthe Nation magazine current issue there is an article that includes the view of the jewish left.
in this regards it would be relevant to point out that
1]most jews are on the left
2] most jews are not frum
3]most jews under 50 have no recollection of the 67 and 73 wars ; and have more of a israel-as-oppresor experience
the irony is that the charedi community ,while ranging from parve-nonzionist to virulently anti-zionist, are in many ways the most invested in the status quo in israel. without having to serve the israeli military complex in any way, the success of israel’s endeavours is important since literally 1000’s of charedi israelis won’t eat without Israel’s welfare system — and war endangers the budget.
we have to face the fact that the supporters of israel amongst jews
will consist of –
1]those over 50
2]modern orthodox
4]jewish republicans
this increasing small percent of US jews-compared to the multitude of jewish antizionist-leftist elements, may not bode well for israel in a hussein obama administration…
As a Brit, I have to point out that this newspaper (the Daily Telegraph) is one of the few right-wing papers in England, so the pro-Israel comments there are unfortunately not representative of England in general.
So let me get this straight. A “civilized” Englishment displays obvious anti-Jewish bias and condemns Israel in the country’s press.
And this is “news” how?
Yes, unfortunately, the UK is notorious for it’s anti-semitism. One only has to read the BBC and the Guardian headlines to get the Brutish..oops, I mean British sentiment.
What is also unfortunate is that there are many American Jews as well as Jews form other countries who do not see this or wish to see this.
A few years ago, there were a some comments in the British newspapers that told of the delight at which the average Briton felt about not feeling that they had to be sympathetic to the Holocaust anymore. I forgot what had happened, yet it was an eye opening look at
this subject.
As Jews who care for the preservation of both Israel and Klal Yisrael, we need to educate others and be more firm in our committment to Judaism and not give up in the face of anti-semitism.