Rav Elyashiv is afraid; we should be too.
Rav Shalom Yosef Elyashiv recently told Rabbi Noach Weinberg of Aish HaTorah that world Jewry faces a threat as great as that it confronted in the midst of the Holocaust. (That widespread report was confirmed to me by senior officials at Aish HaTorah.) Rav Elyashiv was referring preeminently to the threat of a nuclear Iran, though no doubt the simultaneous threat to the citadels of Torah learning in Eretz Yisrael and abroad as a consequence of the world financial crisis only magnifies the concerns about Iran.
I doubt Rav Elyashiv read an AP story this week about a study being prepared for President-elect Barack Obama by a group of former State Department diplomats and academic “experts” on Iran. Had he done so, however, his fears for the future would likely have been ratcheted up a notch or two. Among the conclusions of the report: (1) any military attack on Iran would almost certainly fail in its goal of significantly setting back Iran’s nuclear weapons program; (2) economic sanctions have very little chance of success; (3) American threats to date are “not cowing Iran and the current regime is not in imminent peril.” Taken together those three points basically amount to a declaration that the United States can do nothing to keep Iran from going nuclear.
In addition, the report states that it is wrong to focus on Ahmadinejad’s rhetoric, as he is not the one calling the shots on Iran’s nuclear policy. That would be Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamanei, who the report describes as a “cautious decision maker who acts after consulting advisors holding a wide range of views, including those highly critical of Ahmadinejad,” despite his admitted proclivity for “frequent and hostile rhetoric directed at the West.” In other words, the authors of the report first counsel passivity towards the threat of nuclear Iran, and then wish to tell President Obama that it won’t be so bad, as Khamanei does not appear to be a complete nutcase, and therefore will not expose his country to nuclear destruction.
That counsel of passivity is hardly surprising given its source – the State Department and denizens of the Middle East Studies departments pilloried by Professor Martin Kramer in Ivory Towers on Sand: the Failure of Middle Eastern Studies in America, for their complete failure to provide American policymakers with any remotely useful information on the Middle East, including prior warning of the threat of Al Qaeda, in particular, and Islamic jihadism, in general. (Far from emphasizing the danger posed by Islamic jihad, American Middle East scholars were busy developing elaborate theories about why Islam constitutes a modernizing force in the Arab world.)
The Middle East scholars are close cousins of the academic Sovietologists of the 1980’s, who, almost to a man, failed to see the vulnerability of the Soviet Union and who counseled against confronting it. Not one anticipated the impact of President Reagan’s arms buildup on the ultimate dissolution of the Soviet Union.
The report’s conclusion that economic sanctions are doomed to fail seems unduly pessimistic in light of Iran’s economic vulnerability, and prior to the implementation of any truly biting sanctions. Iran’s Achilles heel is its need to import refined petroleum products, despite being the world’s fourth largest oil producer. A serious effort to block the import of refined petroleum products would bring the country to a virtual standstill. The question, then, is not so much whether sanctions might work, but whether the political will can be found.
Iran’s economy was in shambles even before the global economic meltdown, and is far worse shape today in the wake of a more than 65% drop in oil prices from their high last summer. Even the government admits to 30% inflation, and the actual figure is much higher. Rather than build up cash reserves when oil prices were sky high, Ahmadinejad constantly raided Iran’s foreign reserves in an attempt to mollify the population fed up with the skyrocketing prices, widespread unemployment, and unaffordable housing.
While the regime may be in no imminent peril, as the study states, that is more a function of the ruthlessness of the Revolutionary Guard than any popular support. And it certainly does not mean that the regime could not find itself subject to much greater internal pressure than at present, if a serious sanctions regime were put in place.
The report’s authors state, “[the Iranian people] have seen the outcome of U.S.-sponsored regime change in Afghanistan and Iraq. They want no part of it.” Since no one is suggesting U.S. military action to overthrow the mullahs, that statement is, on its face, irrelevant. But it also reflects the consistent devaluation of political freedom by Western academics. I do not know of a single study to suggest that the Iraqi people regret the overthrow of Saddam Hussein’s regime or the Afghanistani people the overthrow of the Taliban, despite all that they have suffered as a consequence. Indeed the evidence is very much to the contrary.
The suggestion that the West can live with a nuclear Iran flies in the face of most expert opinion. Former senators Daniel Coats and Charles Robb, co-chairmen of the Bipartisan Policy Center’s national security task force, wrote in the Washington Post last month, “an Islamic Republic of Iran with nuclear weapons capability would be strategically untenable. It would threaten U.S. national security, regional peace and stability, energy security, the efficacy of multilateralism, and the Non-Proliferation Treaty regime.” And as Coats and Robb stress, those consequences will follow even absent a worse-case scenario in which Iran deploys nuclear weapons.
Nor can the latter possibility be dismissed out of hand. True, the Supreme Leader may be a perfectly rational fellow, with little inclination for self-immmolation, but the question remains: Is that supposition, enough for Israel and the West to rely upon? Can Western and Israeli leaders responsibly place the lives of millions at risk on the same kinds of odds one could get for betting all one’s life savings on black at the roulette wheel in Monte Carlo.
Westerners have great difficulty grasping that highly ideological regimes are usually dead serious about their proclaimed goals, and willing to embark upon suicidal policies in pursuit of those goals. Recent history is replete with examples of dictators adopting a course of action that proved suicidal for them and their regimes. Saddam Hussein did so twice – first, when he refused to withdraw from Kuwait, in defiance of a U.S.-led military alliance gathered to force him to do so, and the second time, when he refused to allow U.N. weapons inspectors into Iraq, and thereby convinced every security service in the world that he had amassed large stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction. The refusal of the Taliban in Afghanistan to evict Al Qaeda after 9/11, despite Western demands that it do so, also turned out to spell the end of Taliban rule.
Numerous Iranian leaders have expressed their willingness to sacrifice millions of Iranian citizens to the cause. One of Ahmadinejad’s predecessors Akbar Rafsanjani, considered the leading candidate to replace ailing Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, is on record as declaring it “not irrational to contemplate a nuclear exchange with Israel” on the grounds that even one nuclear bomb would devastate Israel. A 2006 fatwa issued by clerics in the Shiite holy city of Qom provides religious sanction for nuclear war. Already in 1980, the Ayatollah Khomeini, the father of the Iranian revolution, stressed that the mullahs do not worship Iran but only Al-lah, and that the destruction of Iran would not be too great a price to pay for the triumph of Islam over the infidels.
More telling, the mullahs have followed the logic of their own rhetoric. During the Iraq-Iran war, they sacrificed hundreds of thousands of unarmed child soldiers in mass attacks against Iraqi tanks. Against this evidence, one would need something more than assurances that the current Iranian Supreme Leader seems like a cautious enough fellow to conclude that Iran will never initiate a nuclear conflagration.
The idea that the United States can (or should) make an offer to the mullahs so sweet – particularly in the absence of a credible threat of greatly intensified sanctions and/or military action – that they might willingly forego their nuclear ambitions strikes me as one of those ideas so silly that only an academic could possibly believe it. Iranian journalist Amir Taheri points out that for the past 30 years every U.S. administration has tried to engage in dialogue with Teheran only to end up with spit on its face.
As Supreme Leader Khameini has said, “You have nothing to say to us. . . . We do not agree to a relationship with you! We are not prepared to establish relations with powerful world devourers like you! The Iranian nation has not need of the United States, nor is the Iranian nations afraid of the United States. We . . . reject your behavior, your oppression, and intervention in various parts of the world.” Over the last six years of fruitless negotiations, the Europeans have offered Iran immunity from sanctions, membership in the World Trade Organization, an energy partnership with Europe to modernize its oil industry, and fully-fueled nuclear reactor for peaceful domestic needs, and membership in the Persian Gulf security forum – all without budging the Iranians one iota.
Former Ambassador James Dobbins, one of the leading figures in the preparation of the report on relations with Iran, described the approach advocated as one “focused on communication and with a view to making progress over time on a range of issues.” But, of course, time is precisely what the Iranians want in order to complete the enrichment of the enough fissile fuel for one or more bombs and what the West cannot grant them.
Growing hysterical about every academic folly is not a recipe for sound mental health. But what makes this one so frightening is that it is being specifically prepared for President-elect Obama’s edification, and perhaps at his invitation. And it is carefully designed to resonate with his own preferred approach to foreign policy – one that eschews the use of American military power or the threat thereof and is enchanted with the potential of “direct diplomacy.”
The report can be read as the first salvo of a campaign to prepare the American people for acquiescence in Iran’s acquisition of nuclear weapons. If that is the case, Rav Elyashiv’s terrible fears are readily understood even by those of us who lack his sources of information.
This article appeared in the Yated on 19 November, 2008
True, the Supreme Leader may be a perfectly rational fellow, with little inclination for self-immmolation, but the question remains: Is that supposition, enough for Israel and the West to rely upon?
Not to mention that Supreme Leaders are not immortal. Will the next one be perfectly rational, and the one after that? There’s a reason military intelligence tends to focus on capabilities rather than intentions.
“The report’s conclusion that economic sanctions are doomed to fail seems unduly pessimistic in light of Iran’s economic vulnerability, and prior to the implementation of any truly biting sanctions.”
Isn’t it possible that the reason they are doomed to fail is because major powers like China and Russia will not back them (continuing to do major business with Iran).
China and Russia have made clear that they would veto an Security Council resolution to impose economic sanctions on Iran.
Perhaps with oil now selling at below $50.00 US a barrel, Iran’s economy which I assume is largely dependent on oil exportation will suffer a significant drop in income causing at least a slow-down in its efforts to produce nuclear weapons. Also if the population experiences sufficient shortages of basic necessities, the regime may be toppled by a civil revolution. HaShem will protect Israel-we have His word.
Jewish Observer: HaShem will protect Israel-we have His word.
Ori: Halevay. But when did HaShem promise to protect the land of Israel or the Jews living in it? AFAIK, there hasn’t been any sane prophets since about 70 to tell us about such a promise. It probably was not in effect during the Bar Kochva rebellion.
Excellent article. Iran has had 30% inflation rate now for a while. The poor of Achmajinadad’s country suffer exceedingly because he will not release financial aid to his country folk from the oil revenues. The middleclss are now being taxed heavier because Achmajinadad still will not admit to his irresponsibility with the fiscal budget and correct it . Achmajinadad comes up for potential re-election in June.
The last time that Rice or anyone from the American side sat down with Iran at the sanctions table was approximately in September. Ok, so now we hear reports that while Obama sets up his cabinet and policies,the Iran sanctions slash nuclear issue “may” be put off til June of 2009?!
If every 2 months approximately 1000 or slightly fewer centrifuges are built, then what will a 10 month lull in sanctions bring?
I think, however as speculation arises that the issue will be brought up more quickly via Israel. Achmajinadad is focused on his high priority of setting up nuclear fissile material. His tunnel vision is what scares me – not his country’s economic condition. I don’t think he cares about his country-truly.
i am a little surprised the Gadol Haolam is afraid the RBSO has a Holocaust in mind…. Hityatzvu ureu et yeshuat Hashem,,,
These fears of Rav Elyashiv are much more reality-based than the assurance that you posted a while back, in the name of an unnamed Rav, that Hashem won’t allow it to happen (I still don’t understand how anyone can be so sure of what Hashem will and will not do).
Bosses are not happy with subordinates who keep bringing problems to their attention without suggested solutions. Journalists with a background and credentials like R’ Rosenblum also owe their readers some positive things to do, even when a comprehensive solution is elusive. Simply giving us new reasons be scared stiff won’t do.
For starters, let’s hear what the Gedolim now expect of us in this situation.
Bob Miller, the difference is that bosses often have the power to implement solutions. Readers do not.
In any case, here are some solutions, worth everything you paid for them.
For the Israeli government:
1. Disrupt the Iranian atomic program, if it is within Israel’s power. Preferably do this before January 20th, while they can still count on US co-operation, at least at the level of letting Israeli bombers fly through Iraqi air space. Given Israeli inaction so far, it’s quite likely Israel cannot disrupt the Iranian atomic program.
2. Send diplomatic messages to the US and the EU, explaining the exact extent of the damage to the world’s oil supply in the aftermath of a successful nuclear strike on Israel. Such messages are probably already on file.
For Israeli residents:
1. Tshuvah, Tfilah, and Tzdakah (for non Jewish readers, “return to G-d, prayer, and charity” – the way to remove evil decrees).
2. The classical Jewish solution: Don’t be there. If you truly think Iran is close to nuclear weapons, don’t sit on the bull’s eye.
What do you expect Jonathan Rosenblum to say? #1 is obvious to everybody who reads Yated. #2 is probably against Yated’s editorial policy and might be against Halacha. Besides, many readers of Yated lack the job skills to legally immigrate anywhere else. Full time Torah study does not look impressive to most gentile immigration services.
Don’t be there? Would you suggest that Rav Elyashiv settle in San Antonio, TX? Ori, what would you have advised us in the 15th century Europe? To convert? BTW, Ramban holds that ishuv EY is a Torah commandment. He himself lived there. And it wasn’t easy in his time either. It was also dangerous. True that not everyone holds like the Ramban. Either way, EY is ours for keeps. We must find other ways to keep it. By deserving it.
Dovid: Ori, what would you have advised us in the 15th century Europe? To convert?
Ori: No, to leave. Which is exactly what many Spanish Jews, for example, did. Their descendants are today Sephardi Jews. The Jews who stayed in Spain might have managed to observe some Mitzvot in secret, but within a few generations their descendants were Catholic.
My point was that Jonathan Rosenblum can’t make good suggestions. His readers, for the most part, are not in a position to influence anything by natural means. The only suggestion he could make it Tshuvah, Tfilah, and Tzdakah, which his readers already know about.
Dovid: Either way, EY is ours for keeps. We must find other ways to keep it. By deserving it.
Ori: I hope you’re right and that it will work out.
“…Jonathan Rosenblum can’t make good suggestions.” That’s called shooting the messenger, Ori.
I will tell you something you sure know. You, I, and Ahmednijad cannot take a breath with Hashem willing it. That being the case, why should we be afraid of this Ahmed fellow? We should be concerned that Hashem is not pleased with us. You are writing that people already know about Tshuvah, Tfilah, and Tzdakah. Maybe, but few practice it. To most of us, these words enter our minds only one day a year, if at all. There is an entire volume in the Talmud, meseches Taanis, that deals with what Jews should do in times of tzaar. The thrust of our service is not fasting and blowing the shofar, but Tshuvah, Tfilah, and Tzdakah. It worked in the time of Mordechai and Esther when we faced the same danger, from the same players. It will work today as well. We should stop regarding Megillas Esther as a cute story of little relevance today but rather should study it and apply its conclusions because that’s the only thing that could save us. The problem is not Eretz Yisrael. The problem rests with us. Rav Moshe Feinstein said in a different context that wherever we go, we take ourselves with us, i.e, without fixing what’s broken we are doomed to repeat our failures in the new place. So Ori, let’s put our right foot forward and start asking what Hashem wants from us. There are qualified people who can direct us to the right answers. Abandoning EY is not the option.
One way to reduce the fear people are saying is to remember that we have been addressing this situation for YEARS now. Go back 5 years and read the papers. Same headlines about imminent dangers. Go back to June 4 1967 if you want and read the headlines – Israel in imminent danger of destuction.
Calm down. History rarely proceeds in such a straight and simple fashion.
The second way to reduce fear is to remember that no megalomaniac acts in isolation from world reaction. Vlad Putin discovered this after he invaded Georgia and had to watch as his economy crashed when international investors pulled all their money out of his stock market. If even mighty Russia has to care a wee bit about the rest of the world, what about Iran?
Remember a short while ago North Korea supposedly detonated a nuclear device and was imminently going to test fire a nuclear misscle over Taiwan? Why didn’t it happen? Because China, the major supporter of the Kim regime, knows that a North Korean nuclear strike, or even a near miss attempt, will invite retaliation from the US and that means millions of malnourished North Koreans swarming across the border into China. For all their talk of love and brotherhood, they don’t actually want that to happen. And ever since we came “that close” to a nuclear incident, has anything other than air-filled threats come out of Pyongyang?
Iran is, for all its bluster, still a client state of Russia which, through its own deomgraphic screw-ups, is very sensitive to any unwanted addition to its Muslim population. An Iranian strike on Israel (chas v’chalilah) that invites a large-scale retaliation will result in millions of Iranian refugees heading north into the ‘Stans which will destabilize the Russian border. And the Russians don’t want that. So nothing will come of Iran since the man with the hand on the trigger doesn’t have the authority to pull the trigger in the first place.
Garnel Ironheart,
You’re assuming that the Iranian (whichever one) with his hand on the trigger will act in a rational way. Is there some precedent for that among Iran’s Shiite revolutionary leaders?
Yes, I hear you Bob Miller on coment#14. I really honestly think that the Worlds’ democratic powers must act- before it is too late. Being that the Jew is responsible for what does take precedent in the world, teshuvah, g’milut chessedim and torah study must be increased.