Israel Needs Your Voice
Here’s a moment of worthwhile hishtadlus, necessary effort, to add to our prayers for Israel. As reported in The Hill:
House Majority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) later this week are expected to introduce a resolution signaling strong support for Israel during its violent showdown with Hezbollah.
Staffers for the two leaders were still working on the exact language of the resolution as of press time yesterday. Republican aides said that Democrats were reviewing the language but that they hope to introduce a bipartisan resolution on the floor today or tomorrow that the House would approve by unanimous consent.
While that article also reports that the Senate “was expected to pass a resolution last night,” no news reports indicate that the vote has yet happened.
Please call your Senators and Representative to voice your support.
Richard Cohen a Jewish Op Ed columnist for the Washington Post wrote that the creation of Israel is a great historical mistake. Hunker Down With History
The greatest mistake Israel could make at the moment is to forget that Israel itself is a mistake. It is an honest mistake, a well-intentioned mistake, a mistake for which no one is culpable, but the idea of creating a nation of European Jews in an area of Arab Muslims (and some Christians) has produced a century of warfare and terrorism of the sort we are seeing now. Israel fights Hezbollah in the north and Hamas in the south, but its most formidable enemy is history itself.
I hope that a site like Cross Currents sees fit to respond to such a charge.
The Rabbinical Council of America urges all media outlets sharing these concerns to foster distribution of the following public service announcement, at their earliest opportunity, in print, and online:
Show Your Solidarity with Israel – Right Now!
Show our brothers and sisters in Israel that we stand with them in this hour of peril, while also sending a message to Washington and the UN that Israel’s actions of self defense are fully justified. It will take practically none of your time and it will cost you nothing. All you need to do is send an email to [email protected], and it will be immediately and automatically forwarded, with thousands of others, to Prime Minister Olmert, The Israel Defense Forces, The White House, and the UN Secretary General. Your message can be as short or as long as you choose, and it will surely make a difference.
Sponsored by the Rabbinical Council of America, in coordination with the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations. We encourage all other Jewish organizations and their members to take similar steps in support of Israel.
Here’s my “favorite” quote from the Washington Post article:
The smart choice is to pull back to defensible — but hardly impervious — borders. That includes getting out of most of the West Bank — and waiting (and hoping) that history will get distracted and move on to something else.
Basically, he suggests that Israel do nothing and hope that its enemies will forget that it is there. I’m sure this will happen as soon as Osama Bin Laden will be given command of a squadron of Israeli Air Force flying pigs, so that he can lead the humanitarian relief effort to send blankets into the now frozen hell.
If Richard Cohen was truly honest with his opinions, he would have suggested that the government of Israel negotiate to relocate all of its citizens to a better country.