Category: Short

Religion Increases Well-Being

A friend of mine received a call the other night for a telephone survey of senior citizens. The interviewer wanted to know about his physical and emotional health – “Do you have any trouble...


Ohr Ve-choshech Mishtamshim Be-irvuvia

It always takes courage and moral backbone to publicly apologize, and we should acknowledge this in Richard Goldstone, who has recanted much of what he wrote in the notorious Goldstone Report. Like the feathers...


“I Stand Tonight With Israel”

Glenn Beck gets it right… again. On George Soros, on the Arab countries that make up the vast majority of the Middle East, and on Israel. The quote above is at 20:50 and ends...


Introduction to Chumash Vayikra

Two not-so-obvious resources to better get you in the mood for the next Chumash. One provides a jump-start to understanding the symbolic system of the avodah. The other very elegantly expresses what the entire...


Pulling The Plug – Like It Or Not

“Death squads” are alive and well. And they have nothing to do with the President’s health-care system. A teen in New Zealand was forced off life-support, and lived to talk about it. Here is...

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