Can we send a blogger to Israel?

A week ago, just as the violence in Israel moved from a Gaza “incursion” to a two-front war, Project Genesis was putting the finishing touches on a special program to encourage more Torah learning during the summer. Since Torah study is a shield for the entire Jewish People, this gives new urgency to our program.

You could be going to Israel (or winning a cash prize) at our expense, just for spreading the word!

The idea is very simple: come to and refer a friend through our new program. When you and your friend both subscribe, you’ll be entered for special prize giveaways. When we reach 10,000 new subscribers through the program, we’ll give away a ticket to Israel!

For the bloggers (and anyone with a web site) you can also refer people directly to the “pray for Israel” page — see the graphic in the upper-right-hand corner. For graphics and help with links, there’s more information here:

Once you refer one friend, you’ll see on the following page a customized link, unique to you. You can use that link in emails to more friends and on your own blog, using a graphic such as our blog button: Blog Button

But for maximum effect, you can refer people directly to “pray for Israel” with a special link created for you. We will certainly not identify those who blog under a pseudonym, of course. Just write to us at prayforisrael at to create your code!

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5 Responses

  1. Steve Brizel says:

    A blogger assigned to or enbedded with the IDF, subjected to complete military censorship and a complete clampdown on the Western media would be a substantial improvement,especially over the Western liberal media such as the NY Times , the W Post,the Guardian, BBC and their Israeli “useful idiot” known as Haaretz. Then , the IDf could do to Hizballastan what Sherman and Sheridan did to Georgia and the Shenandoah Valley-render it incapable of supporting Hezbollah. We need to remember as General Sherman stated that war is indeed hell . Moreover, as George Will stated, if the Civil War was fought with today’s media, the US would still be divided between free, border and slave states.

  1. July 21, 2006

    The project genesis prayer campaign…

    Rabbi Yaakov Menken of Project Genesis and Cross-Currents asked me put up this link to Project Genesis learning and praying initiatives for the merit of Jews around the world, especially at this time of trouble in Israel. Click on the picture below and…

  2. July 21, 2006

    Bloggers Praying for Israel…

    The blog prayer campaign is just underway, and a friendly nod to those who have already signed up and referred people to sign up:

    Elie’s Expositions
    Frum Actress
    Krum as a Bagel

    Find out more here.

  3. July 23, 2006

    […] You’ll notice I’ve tossed up an image at the bottom of my sidebar publicizing the “Pray for Israel” campaign that Cross-Currents. This may surprise some of you, given that I’m neither a vocal Zionist, nor do I speak about the power of prayer too often. Nevertheless, I feel that, for those of you who believe in it, praying for Israel would be absolutely wonderful. Prayer alone isn’t a solution, but perhaps G-d will hear it, and help push through a solution. […]

  4. August 4, 2006

    […] Find out more here. August 04th, 2006 | Category: Uncategorized | […]

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